out of nothing
comes something empty space anticipates a dancer’s first step, swirl, leap random wood pieces grow into a 3D structure resisting gravity an empty page accepts a writer’s words without resistance an empty canvas ivory white absorbs a splash of paint with water colours travel like oil in a puddle an open heart empty of fear accepts first love wondering if it will last
just another day
a chance to love or be loved to give or to receive to help or be helped to create or to destroy to be heard or to listen to live or to die perhaps it’s not just another day. |
AuthorI started my "Poem-A-Day" writing exercise back in 2010. It was a way to get into the habit of writing everyday. It took awhile but once I got into it I really enjoyed the process. I took a break in 2023 to work on getting "Carbon Copy" into the wild. I also wanted to re-read my poem-a-day scribblings to see if there were any unpolished gems amongst the rubble. My plan is to post one per week in my Blog. Find "Carbon Copy" at: Archives
January 2025
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